Engage and Strengthen Your Chamber
Why your chamber should be an Alabama Chamber?
Be part of an organization that provides education, a network and resources for Alabama Chambers. Below are benefits that will help your chamber of commerce connect with other chamber professionals, key leaders in our state, and experts that will you grow in this industry.
Member Benefits

All Things Chamber- Alabama Chambers is pleased to partner with Teri Smiley and Starfish Partnerships for a new All Things Chamber Webinar Series. This program is a phenomenal staff onboarding program and can also be used as a refresher to current staff members during staff meetings or a staff retreat. The series includes an introduction video and six (6) modules in the areas that cover "All Things Chamber"
Benefits Plan for Businesses- As a member of Alabama Chambers, your chamber is able to pass along a cost saving benefit solution to your members. A tangible benefit of investment, you are able to offer to your members solutions for their health care needs.
Professional Services- The Alabama Chambers staff is available to provide customized training, document review, board orientation, governance review or other services for your organization for a nominal fee.
Wage & Benefits/Operations Survey- This biannual survey of Alabama chambers provides insight into how your chamber is performing in the important areas of competitive wage & benefits as well as operational benchmarks to improve organization performance.
Chamber Exchange- Looking for a way to grow in profession? To increase revenue for your organization? New to your chamber role? Chamber Exchange is a job shadowing opportunity for you to spend a day in another local chamber learning best practices and skills to take back an implement for your members.
Awards & Recognition- Each year Alabama Chambers recognizes the best of the best through our annual awards program.
Accreditation- Alabama chambers and chamber professionals can seek accreditation through our association. Accreditation is the high standard benchmark of chamber operations or validation that a chamber professional meets the highest professional standards.
Professional Development- A cornerstone strategic priority for Alabama Chambers is the professional development and education of those working within our local chambers. Through two in-person conferences annually, as well as ongoing virtual programming, Alabama Chambers provides top rate development for our members. View our events page for professional development opportunities.
Network Building- Chamber work is a unique career and having a network of peers to call on is important. Our members benefit through our intentional efforts to help build those personal networks.
Document and Idea Sharing- The strength in the Alabama chamber network comes from the strong belief that we are better together. This is evident in the very giving and sharing nature of our members. Alabama Chambers provides a resource hub of document samples, program sharing, and idea generation through our Members Only Information Hub.
Scholarships- Multiple scholarship opportunities are available exclusively to Alabama Chambers members throughout the year for professional development such as our conferences and Institute for Organization Management.
Partnership Benefits

The Partnership
BCA membership- Through the BCA/CCAA Partnership, each Alabama chamber is a member of the Business Council of Alabama (BCA) with their investment in the Chamber of Commerce Association of Alabama. BCA is the voice of Alabama businesses and they work tirelessly to advocate for pro-jobs, pro-growth initiatives for our state.
How to engage with BCA:
- Follow BCA on social media channels to stay connected and informed.
- Actively participate in BCA policy committees.
- Attend networking events.
Governmental Affairs Conference- A must attend event for anyone actively engaged in advocacy in Alabama, the BCA Governmental Affairs Conference is held each summer at The Grand and is a phenomenal opportunity to actively participate in committee meetings, meet legislators in a more relaxed environment, and network with other leaders from throughout the state.
Tuesday Morning Briefings- If you are in Montgomery during the legislative session, plan to attend the Tuesday morning briefings to hear from key governmental leaders. Can’t be in Montgomery, watch live on Facebook.
Capital Briefings- Exclusively for Alabama Chambers, these interactive virtual sessions are held bi-weekly during the legislative session with the BCA governmental affairs team giving an update on the happenings at the state house and answering questions regarding current or upcoming legislation.
Alabama Small Business Awards- A joint effort between Alabama Chambers and Business Council of Alabama, since 2016, The Partnership has been recognizing the best of Alabama business. Through an extensive selection process, winners are named in 4 categories based on the number of employees.
Governmental Affairs Committee speaker/Keynote Address- The BCA senior staff is available to Alabama Chambers to give updates on the session or to provide keynote addresses for chamber events throughout the year.